
The USAT Liberty is directly situated near the beach on Bali's northeast coast - literally a short walk from the front door of Tulamben Wreck Divers. The 120m long wreck rests on a 90 degree angle with the deck facing the open sea and used to be an American supply ship. Anchored off the coast of Lombok, the ship was hit by a Japanese torpedo during World War II. Miraculously nobody got hurt, but the damage turned the ship into a non-functioning and useless hull. The American Navy's plan to tow the ship to Singaraja harbour failed as the harbor was completely occupied, so the ship was intentionally stranded on the rocky beach of Tulamben.
In 1963 Mount Agung (the volcano which towers over Tulamben) erupted and the magma flow pressed the ship back into the sea where it presently rests at a depth of 3 to 29 metres. Since then, coral has coated the wreckage turning it into a new home for an extraordinary number of fish, coral and invertebrates. bump-head parrotfish, napoleon wrasse and barracuda are regularly spotted around the wreck.
The wreck is an absolute underwater wonderland of marine life - schools of trevally, bream, fusilier and anthias mill all over and around the wreck - often following you during the dive. Batfish, large sweet lips, angelfish, butterfly fish and anemone fish (with resident anemones of course) hover under ledges and in crevices. Lionfish, scorpionfish, hawkfish, bumphead parrot fish, pufferfish and coral trout are everywhere - as are the gobies, blennies, shrimps and dottyback out on the sand flats. The wreck is simply alive with life; corals, sponges and gorgonia fans are breathtaking along with the thousands of invertebrate life within them.

Tulamben is a village, of which the name was taken from the word "Batulambih". Batulambih means many stones caused by the explotion of Mount Agung.
By the time, this word changed into Batulamben and eventually pronounced as Tulamben. This area then flourished into a tourist destination that worth to visit.

This tourist destination is situated at Tulamben village, Kubu district. It is about 102 km from Denpasar and 25 km from Amlapura.
There are some facilities available to support the industry, such as small hotels, restaurants, and even food stalls. For visitors who longs to see the underwater life of this area, diving operators are available here.

Tulamben village grows into tourist area for its strategic position and because of the beauty of its surroundings. From here, we will be able to witness the fascinating view of Mount Agung on the west side. Besides, it also offers a magnificent panorama of marine life.

In our underwater adventure, we will find the wreck of US Liberty ship from the World War II. It becomes another attraction of Tulamben for visitors. While going back to the past, in this sunken ship, we will see beautiful tropical fish and other marine lives.

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