Tourism is situated in the village of Batur Region Batur, Kintamani District Bangli District. Tourism Regions Batur located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level with cool air where the air temperature during the day and cold at night. To reach this location from the capital city of Bangli distance of 23 km.

This tourism object can be passed by vehicles, due to the location and connects the city of Bangli, Singaraja city.
While the route object, connect with Tourism Tourism Regions Tampaksiring Batur and Batur region Besakih.Nama sights adjusted to the existing potential of Mount Batur and Lake Batur. The name comes from the name of Pura Batur Mount Batur is one of the Pura Sad Emong by Goda on Villagers Batur.
Before the eruption of Mount Batur in tahun1917, Pura Batur at the foot of Mount southwest Batur.Akibat damage caused by the eruption of Mount Batur, then together Pura Batur villagers moved in place now. The remains of the frozen lava is black, erect towering Mount Batur, Lake Batur shaded blue, is an attraction for every visitor. From Penelokan can see his blue Lake Batur and the foam-the foam that accompanies the driver pulled over while serving the tourists and the boating public in each ferry passengers from village to village Kedisan Trunyan. The fishermen also coloring activity on Lake Batur is a hook and catch fish, tilapia is sold in the market town of Bangli, so in Bangli known as satay mujairnya which is a typical food Bangli regency.

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