Gitgit Waterfall

In Bali there is a fairly well-known waterfall is a waterfall Gitgit. Located in the village of Git, git, Sukasada District, Buleleng regency. 

Travel to these places offer interesting scenery along the roads. After the lake Beratan Bedugul with a fresh, we will pass the ramp with hundreds of monkeys on the roadside. The monkeys are precisely located on the highest part Bedugul, and guaranteed not to disturb us. After the highest part of this road and as we start down the road in the mountains, the road in this place was a winding with sharp turns almost 180 degrees tikungannya. Therefore you must be more vigilant when driving a private vehicle. Because, besides the sharp derivative of your head can also be a headache because of a bend-bend it. Fortunately when the decline of this road, sometimes we can also see the city of Singaraja iauh down there, which borders the sea north of Bali. This scene pretty to eliminate physical fatigue due to road conditions.
Along the way we left it on the right is a lush green trees. Sometimes the thick mist accompanied throughout the journey. In certain weather, the fog was so thick that we need to set the lights on the vehicle because of visibility we can live one to two meters. But this weather is very rare even though the temperature can increase the sensation of cold. More often sunny weather without heat because the air temperature was ranged below 20 degrees Celsius in summer.
When bend-bend decreased sharply and was less and less, get ready for tourist destination we are getting closer. There are few signposts on the left of the road indicating the direction of the location of the waterfall.But should you choose a guide at the end because at last is official. This will make you more comfortable with pelayananan and safety during the visit this place.

In last place looks very different with ample parking space and some shops souvnir there. There are also several restaurants and tavern that we can visit beforehand to relax, or simply eliminate fatigue. Rest for a moment although this need, because the tourist sites that we visit today is a natural tourist attraction with different conditions. The road up and down as well and we must walk to reach the location of the core.

From this parking lot, the location where the waterfall is located about 300 meters. There are clear directions there. To get to the place where the waterfall is located, we must first down the road about three feet wide up and down the staircase. This small road look neat because dipaving and in some parts on either side fenced adult waist-high plants. There is also an iron fenced. This small road winding. After about 50 meters from where we first walked in, then we find a place to pay the entrance fee.

After buying tickets, we started to pass tougher terrain. The road is still small with an iron fence on either side that once we can use as a handle if you feel the way we've been through the slick. The road we've been through sometimes steeply up to about 45 degrees. On both sides of this road is a wetland, is really the rice fields, which until today still use the surrounding population.

Although relatively far away, a trip to this place is not boring because on either side presented a refreshing natural scenery. In addition to rice-shaped terraces with verdant rice, there is also a small water channel, like a drain but the water was very fresh and crisp. No need to hesitate if for example you want to touch or even use it to wash my face. There are also some towering coconut trees on the bund-rice field. We can also find a restaurant or drinking place exactly in the direction facing the lush trees and stood on the cliff.But yes it was, the way we have not reached the ultimate goal.

The closer, we will find the views of the lush forest with birds singing here and there. The little street is like splitting the jungle. The view also began to change. Paddy fields and tall trees replaced chasms on the right road. Although like in the jungle, we should not worry because there are still rows of souvenir shops along the small road that was what makes us not feel alone in the middle of a lush natural. In this place starting to sound of water gurgling and rumbling sound a bit noisy. Begin to see the waterfall in the distance. Fresh water, such as calling us to get to.

Until we arrived at the core of Git-git waterfall. The water was menggerojok river with thousands of cubic surface waters plunge continuously. There was a noise like to welcome every visitor to this place. The waterfall is about 40 meters from the surface of the river with top width of about three feet and getting down the width to about five meters. Up there, where the water came out, the hill looks like split the flow of water.Towering trees on either side. Then the water was like crawling on the blackened cliff.

To bottom, the water was hitting big rocks blackened berdiamer approximately three to five feet in the stream. Water will leave a white foam which spread and flowed along the river swept away. Large rocks that reside on the surface of the river helps us if you want a waterfall approach because we can walk on the stones while avoiding the water surface. But watch out slick! Because it is better if you all get ready to get wet. Wear clothing that is not too thick and simple such as shorts and T-shirts. So even if wet will dry quickly.

This allows us to dry the clothes. Because, unfortunately when we get in this place without nyebur into the water in the river was crystal clear. We can soak in there as much as she felt the chill of the water is absorbed in the skin and hopefully we can refresh the mind. To be more safe bathing, should we look for places that the water flow is not too big and find that not too deep or shallow.

But if you're afraid of wet anyway, we can enjoy the view from the place a little distance from the waterfall.There is a sort of bale resting place without walls is about 20 meters from the waterfall exactly. The place was the extent of about 8 x 8 square meters with cement seat in some parts. We can sit in this place while looking at water that down, pounding the rock, foaming and flowing approach us. Bale resort is also located right next to the river about 10 yards wide as the place where the remnants of a waterfall that flows. In one corner there is such a bale of small steps that make us get down to a river.

The river flows quite fast but not in so we can go down and feel the freshness of the water. Not a few visitors who prefer this approach. Down from the bale retreat to the river, then take pictures with the waterfall background. Very nice scenery. Or it could be sitting on a large black stone which makes the flow of rivers like the split.

In the bale resting it, sometimes there are some little girl who offers a souvenir in the form of necklaces made of beads. Motive is that chocolate is too colorful or blue. The price is very cheap, only Rp 1,000 per seed. Nothing wrong with all you buy anyway as a charity. In front of the bale resting there is also a small temple where there are several statues guard the statue as a symbol of the dragon and tiger. For some guests, a small temple with statues guard the tiger and the dragon can also be the background image.Why do not you try it too?

Beredam satisfied or feel the cold waterfall Gitgit, we can start looking for souvenirs-souvenirs in this place.On the way back, prior to the souvenir shops, there is a small bridge is slightly down. The bridge was not until seetngah meters wide with a metal railing. Appeal from the surface of the river about two meters.Some visitors usually into this place to just look at the rate of flow of water or take a picture with the waterfall background far away are still clearly visible.

If you want to stay, There is also lodging-inn. We can imagine a rest while looking at the beauty of a waterfall. Not have to be really exciting.

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