One Minute Meditation

Baba Sri Siva Speaks:
“The most important mantra in the newsleters is OM NA MA SI VA YA. Even if you don't use any other techniques from the newsletter, do use this mantra. It will do a world of good beyond belief.
Om is God.
God is Om.

Om is the primordial sound from which everything emanated. Om is consciousness. Om is Life.
The domain of Om is incomprehensible to the human mind. Om is the realm of all possibilities. Om is Light. Om is Arul, the Divine Intelligence. When you have enough Grace, Om will manifest as Divine Light just in front of you and will envelope you. This Light of Om will dissolve your ignorance.

Different Enlightened Beings belonging to different religions have encountered the Om Light prior to their Enlightenment. The Om Light is Allah, Siva, Yaweh, the Tao, Nirvana, etc.
Practice Om in the following way. Om is formed of three sounds: Ah, Oo, Mm. Count the time with the fingers of the right hand. Each finger will bow down and contact the right thumb. Counting five fingers is five seconds, ten seconds is two rounds of counting.
At the level of human existence, Ah creates the waking state of human consciousness, Oo, the dream state, and Mm, the sleep state.

Meditate on Ah for 10 seconds at the root chakra. Keep repeating this sound mentally. This will attract all worldly things to you.
Meditate on Oo at the heart center for 10 seconds. This will give you Divine Intelligence and influence your dreaming.
Meditate on Mm at the throat chakra for 5 seconds. Mm will create awareness of maya (illusion). It will create earthly consciousness and provide rest to the system. We only sleep 1/3 our lives, so that is why Mm is for a shorter duration, so you do not become too sleepy.
Go the 3rd eye and chant Om for 10 seconds.

Remember the following over and over and over again:
One day, when you do this meditation or when you are praying, Om will flood the entire place. From that time onwards you will know that Om can get into you and totally change your human consciousness.

Nama Sivaya has two units. Na Ma is to be chanted at the root chakra and the navel chakra respectively. Nama represents lower worldly realities like earth and water and the karmic and egocentric life. Sivaya is the second unit. It represents higher life. Si Va Ya has to be chanted at the heart, throat and 2 eyes respectively. Sivaya gives the awareness of the Divine existence which is the right of every human soul.
Na - root center, earth energy - 5 seconds
Ma - navel center, water energy - 5 seconds
Si (pronounced like the English word "She") - heart center, fire energy - 5 seconds
Va - throat and nostrils, wind/air energy - 5 seconds
Ya - 2 eyes, 2 brains, third eye, space energy - 5 seconds
The chanting of Om Nama Sivaya does the following. OM when practiced in the above manner cleans up consciousness. NA MA awakens the lower realities necessary for earthly existence. SI VA YA helps you to be grounded in awareness of the divine. One should chant Om Nama Sivaya with this full understanding. Total time for one round is one minute.
Doing Om Nama Sivaya 108 times a day will help you attain the highest material and spiritual good. It will help you to be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. It harmonizes you with all the elemental energies.
There is much more I can teach about Om Nama Sivaya, but this is a starting point. If enough people work with this, I will be able to teach more.
This new century will be a very powerful time, and it is indeed the Age of Truth. You will certainly be elevated to a new reality. Use these tools and share them with others. Some of you may want to experiment with chanting OM NA MA SI VA YA in groups on a weekly basis.
This One Minute Meditation can be practiced in a variety of ways. If you desire, you can stay at different points for longer periods of time."
Diposkan oleh Pinandita Sanggraha Nusantara

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