Candi Dasa

Previously, Candidasa was known as Teluk Kehen (Kehen Bay). But when this area was finally opened as tourism depelovment area, the name Candidasa was started to be used.

There is no certain report about the historical backgound of the name. However, it is assumed that the choice of this name is connected with the story of "lingga" inside the temple lies on the top of Candidasa hills.

An old manuscript found here mentions that Candidasa Temple was built on the 12th Century. There is a remain called "lingga" inide the temple, which is believed as the symbol of God Siva. In this holy place hermits often received their highest solitude or "heaven" by uttering 10 letters called "Dasa Aksara" (10 = Dasa).

Another story says that the name Candidasa was inspired by a statue near the lingga. It is a statue of Goddess Hariti that surrounded by 10 children. It is believed that Goddess Hariti could give blessing of welfare and prosperity to the people who pray here.

Candidasa is located at Samuh - Bugbug village, Karangasem district. It is about 65 km from Denpasar and 12 km from Amlapura.

Facilities available here are restaurants, small hotels to star hotels and other facilities needed to support the industry.

Candidasa is well known for its shiny white sand. Tourism industry flourishes significantly in this area that background by the Indonesian Ocean. From this place, we will see Lombok Island and Nusa Penida in a distance and the sparkling light of "Jukung" or traditional boat at night that will always draw us to come again.

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