
The location of Padangbai is in a rural and isolated bay named Padang, which has been used as a harbour since years ago. The name of Padangbai was taken from this bay and by the influence of the Dutch language, the frase Padang Bay turned into Padangbai.

This tourist object is located at Padangbai village, Manggis district, about 53 km from Amlapura. Except being famous for its tourist attractions, Padangbai is the gateway to enter this island.

Food stalls, small restaurants and small hotels are available here, besides other facilities needed by visitors to enjoy their visit.

Padangbai is a harbour where small and big ships drop their anchors. This area develops as a tourist object for some attractions it has, such as white sand, the beautiful surroundings and the amazing underwater panorama. Besides, the daily life of the traditional fishermen and the busy crowd in the harbour becomes another plus point of this area.

This tourist object is also known for its sacred temples, Silayukti temple and Tanjung Sari temple. Silayukti was built by Empu Kuturan. Besides these two temples, there is also Penataran Agung Temple, that is located on the west side of Padangbai.

Amuk Bay, with the villages of Padangbay to the south and Candidasa to the north, is about 6 kms across and located along the south side of Bali's eastern point. Just north of Padangbay is the Blue Lagoon, a treasure-trove of marine life. 2 islands (Tepekong and Mimpang) outside the bay, and Biaha a little to the north, offer some of the most breath-taking diving in Bali. However, due to conditions, these 3 sites need to be treated with care and respect. The currents coming from the Lombok Strait create unpredictable water movements that can result in a washing machine effect.
The Blue Lagoon is actually a small bay, with a steep white sand beach, located just a tiny bit NE of Padangbai. The steepness of the beach means there are waves, therefore we take a 5 min jukung (outrigger) ride from Padangbai. The topography is not spectacular: white sand bottom, which slopes gradually to 22M, has scattered rocks, soft corals and a huge area of Staghorn Coral. However the fish life is amazing! There is a large Napoleon Wrasse that lives here, several kinds of unusual reef shark, stonefish, moray and blue ribbon eels, nudibranches, rays, squid and octopus, Leaf Scorpionfish in every hue, Stargazers. While The Blue Lagoon is easy diving, sometimes used for Open Water Courses and popular with snorkellers, experienced divers and photographers also thoroughly enjoy the site. Visibility is 15-20M, there is sometimes a little surge and a mild current, but the bay is fairly protected. The site has a good variety of Sweetlips, Angelfish, Surgeonfish.

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