Nusa Penida


Nusa Penida is the largest of 3 islands (the others being Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan). The water here is fairly cold (because of the ocean currents) but often startlingly clear, with gorgeous corals and prolific fish, with some turtle, shark (including grey reefs and silver-tips) and - Aug-Sep - Mola-Mola (the weird and wonderful Sunfish).

We offers nine dive sites at Nusa Penida, three of which (Sental, Ped, SD) are along Nusa Penida's north coast. You could, theoretically, go in at Sental, drift along until you came to Ped, exit, change tanks, have a surface interval, re-enter the water exactly where you exited, drift along to SD, exit, out, back in at the same point - however, generally, due to conditions and changing currents, this isn't possible. There is no diving nor coral, due to conditions, along Nusa Penida's south coast.

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