Traditional Balinese Mask

Topeng in Balinese language mean Mask, Mask Dance is a kind of balinese traditional artistic dance.
Topeng or Mask dance is performed during ritual procession, There are many Kind of mask dance, one of them is Topeng Pajegan, this dance was played by a dancer, he only change the mask according to the character in the story and then Topeng sidakarya is mask dance which only performed in ritual ceremony,
the dance played to complete the procession of ceremony, sidakarya mean finish. usually the mask which used is sacred and only use when performed the ritual ceremony.

In Bali, find the Mask is so easy, like in Sukawati art market at gianyar regency near Ubud there are many kind of balinese mask but the mask is not sacred. and many mask carver around UBUD village, you can order the mask what you want… and if you want to learning how to dance Topeng or mask dance there are many art organization called Sanggar Tari and you can learn there. Bali Tours Guide will help you to go to that place.

Topeng is beautiful and artistic sacred dance

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