Ogoh - ogoh Nyepi
Friday evening March 4, 2011 is Pengerupukan Day which is the day before Hari Raya Nyepi (New Year Caka 1933) for the People of the Hindu religion on the island of Bali in particular and in Indonesia generally. Pengerupukan At this time a little different toprevious years due to awareness of his people is getting better .While Perade Ogoh-ogoh still held as of year - the previous year and almost in every village of Ogoh - ogoh Competition was held, in addition to creativity and art shows, targets and main objectives of ogoh-ogoh is the symbol of Bhuta Kala or upakara offerings givento him not to interfere mankind. Ogoh-ogoh is made from around the existing serana human life as Wood, Bamboo, Paper, Fabrics, Cat and others understand the mythology and are usually shaped like Satan / giant (Bhuta Kala) or the shape of animals, or people who look strange puppets like drunkard.
The next day Saturday, March 5, 2011 is Nyepi, which is very different from the Hari Raya in general, why is that ?, because at this time Hindus hold Tapa Brata / Fasting a day (24 hours from 06.00 pm until 06.00 pm the next day ) Tapa Brata / fasting as noteating, drinking, smoking / turn on the lights, does not work, nottraveling, not comfort yourself / have fun.
While the next day Sunday, March 6, 2011 is Day Ngembak Geni more or less means the freedom to do the activity again after over24 hours to do Tapa Brata.
Nyepi Day is held every once a year and usually in March next year »
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Posting oleh : Putu Kone
Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011
nice blogs putu.. I LIKE IT...